Self Help Book For Prisoners

Rave Reviews For Doing Time With God

"I bought this for a friend who is currently incarcerated and he just informed TODAY that his cell mate read it within 2 days and told him (my friend) that it was one of the BEST BOOKS he'd read in a LONG TIME."

- Amazon Customer

"This challenges us in remembering God's awesome power in finding the lost, healing the sick, and turning people's lives around. Read this compelling book and be inspired by what is being done to transform lives and restore people to productive places in society."

- Lynn Huntley, Former Civil Rights Attorney, US Dept. of Justice 

Shot During A Robbery At An ATM While Going To Work, Bill Dyer's Hatred And Resentment Became A Prison Of Misery. Then Without Warning A Miracle Happened - God Guided Bill Into Prison To Spend Time With Inmates. Through Sharing Their Stories With One Another They Found Healing And Forgiveness In Ways They Never Expected.

While confined to a hospital bed in traction, Bill Dyer was trapped in a prison of anger, hatred, and resentment. Eventually, he saw the error in his thinking. He became clear about the cost of his reactions and began learning lessons from his experience. He began wondering what he could do with those lessons; who he could share them with; who would appreciate them most.

These questions led to Bill sharing his experience and lessons with inmates. In their interactions with one another, amazing things started happening. In fact, they were so significant, meaningful, and inspiring that Bill decided to write a great read that falls into the category of the best self help books for prisoners, Doing Time With God, as a way for other incarcerated men and women to benefit.

Bill not only wanted to write a book that helped inmates make positive changes in their lives, he also wanted to write one of the most encouraging books for prisoners that enabled them to see their value as human beings.

          One Of The Top 10 Books For Prisoners

     - Opens Inmate Minds To What Is Possible in Restoring Life

    - Proves It Is Possible To Break Free From The Prison Of Anger 

    - Reveals How God Uses The Worst Experiences For Good 

    - Shows The Key To
     Healing Relationships Hurt By Crime

    - Demonstrates How God's Love Flows Through Honesty And Vulnerability

    - Brings Hope For Newness Of Life Through Positive Choices

    -  Inspires By The Way God Meets Our Desire For Positive Change

    - Contains Reflection Questions  For Discussion, Guidance, And Growth

    Here's Why Doing Time With God Is A Great

    Self Help Book For Prisoners

    The message in Doing Time With God makes it one of the most memorable self help books for prisoners because it is about being the man or woman God created us to be. The book has motivated inmates in dozens of prisons who have heard Bill's story. Inmates can relate to the feelings of anger and resentment that Bill experienced after the shooting, as well as other feelings: afraid, cheated, disappointed, discouraged, frustrated, depressed, ashamed, helpless, impatient, disrespected, and rejected.

    In listening to Bill’s story, inmates can see that it is possible to break the chains of unpleasant emotions; they also see how it is possible escape the shackles of negative and powerless thinking that holds them back from being the person they were meant to be.

    As they do this, they become motivated to make better choices that enable them to grow and change and reach further into their highest potential. One of the most motivational books for prisoners, Doing Time With God  contains twelve stories about rehabilitation and finding freedom and peace.

    In the stories, inmates gain healing and insight through conversations with crime victims and one another. Said another way, readers "sit in" on life-changing conversations that inspire inmates to make life-giving choices that positively impact themselves and others. This is why some readers believe that Doing Time With God is also one of the best inspirational books for prisoners to read.

    Learning from others is one of the most important steps of the change journey. Self-help requires that habitual ways of thinking that have led to negative consequences, be changed into new thought patterns that lead to positive and life-giving outcomes. This happens when inmates read Doing Time With God, which is why it is one of the best self-help books for prisoners.

    This Is A Great Self Help Book For Prisoners Because It Opens The Heart, Touches The Soul, And Renews The Mind 

    While reading this book, you may experience these things happening in yourself. Discussion questions and an afterword by the author invite you to reflect on your own journey, discover new meaning, and expand this movement of Peace in your life.  

    Here Are Reasons People See Doing Time With God As One Of The

    Best Books For Prisoners To Read

     "A beautiful testimony of how our shared-life in God is renewed through story. It shows the reconciling power of God's love in our openness and vulnerability - the way to Peace. If you want to see who we are created to be for one another, read this book. It is a wake-up call." 

    Sr. Helen Prejean
    Author of DEAD MAN WALKING

    "This book belongs in the Wow category"
    W. Bemel

    "I was struck by the action “pause for God”…which I am quite sure I do not do enough, and which can result in growth, healing, and transformation for those who do. I was profoundly touched by the personal results and the promise for the future.”

    One of the great Self Help Books For Prisoners, Doing Time With God Uncovers The Secret To Healing And How It Leads To Freedom...Even In The Midst Of Prison